Small Commercial
Small Commercial
90% of all business activity in the United States is driven by entrepreneurial organizations with 20 or fewer employees. While standard insurance companies may address some of the risks that these organizations face, a host of other challenges such as Cyber/Data Breach, Employee Dishonesty & Crime, Environmental Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Property and Professional and General Liability require a more specialized approach. The needs of each insured are as varied as the businesses that they operate, which means agents that are not focused on the SME market may inadvertently provide coverage with significant gaps, leaving policyholders uninsured or underinsured.

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for all target classes and coverages
Small Businesses Are At Risk
$100 billion
The amount small businesses pay to settle legal troubles every year
The average cost of a D&O lawsuit
The increase in cost of commercial auto claims between 2009 and 2013
The rise of lawsuits relating to workplace harassment since 2006
The increase in cyber attacks on small businesses since 2012
of lawsuits are lodged against companies with revenues under $1 million
of businesses fail to reopen after a disaster
Source: Bolt Insurance Agency, US Department of Labor, National Institute of Standards and Technology, SNL Financial, DandODiary.com
Target Classes
1-4 Family Dwellings
Artisan Contractors
Bars, Restaurants and Retail Liquor Stores
Community Associations
Home Repair Specialists
Homeowners Associations
Medical Offices
Law Firms
Office / Retail / Professional Services
Property Developers
Real Estate Investors
Religious Institutions
Vacant Lots
Business Interruption and Loss of Income
Commercial Property
Cyber, Privacy & Data Breach
Directors & Officers Liability
Environmental Liability
Employee Dishonesty / Crime
Employment Practices Liability
Excess / Umbrella Liability
Fiduciary Liability
General Liability
Liquor Liability
Professional Liability
Small Business = Big Opportunity
Research shows that while the use of the Internet for purchasing insurance is growing amongst small business owners, an insurance broker is still the first port of call. The good news for you is that small businesses like buying from real people. See how you can capitalize on this!
Contact Us
Need a Quote?
We accept all applications - or you can contact us and we will send you one of ours. Submit applications, brief narrative and minimum of 3 years carrier loss runs to info@asrisk.com
Narrative/Underwriting Information:
Who is the incumbent carrier including expiring term?
Did the incumbent non-renew? If so, why?
Does your agency control the account?
List of markets approached (including other brokers)
Target premium
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