Cyber, Privacy & Data Breach
Cyber, Privacy & Data Breach
Technology has brought vast improvements. It has also introduced significant risk in the form of viruses, data breaches, loss of income and reputation, intellectual property infringement and violation of privacy laws. These incidents continue to grow rapidly; however, losses arising from identity theft, hackers, security failures, invasion of privacy, e-business interruption and cyber extortion threats, are only covered by comprehensive Cyber, Privacy and Data Breach insurance policies.
If you think that only large, “hi-tech” companies need Privacy and Data Breach insurance, it is important to know that retailers, health care institutions and financial institutions are some of the most highly targeted industries, with companies with under 1,000 employees suffering almost half of all incidents. Perpetrators may operate well outside our borders, but by some estimates, more than 50% of all data breaches are carried out by insiders within their own company.
Target Classes
Commercial Entities of all types
Financial Institutions / Financial Services
Governmental Entities
Healthcare / Hospitals
Payment Card Industries
Professional Services
Technology companies
Third Party
Failure to Protect Data
Privacy Law Violations
Unauthorized Collection / Transmission of Data
Social Engineering
Denial of Service
Computer Virus
Intellectual Property
First Party
Business Interruption
Data Restoration
Crisis Management Expense
Privacy Regulatory Defense, Penalties and Expenses
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Need a Quote?
We accept all applications - or you can contact us and we will send you one of ours. Submit applications, brief narrative and minimum of 3 years carrier loss runs to info@asrisk.com
Narrative/Underwriting Information:
Who is the incumbent carrier including expiring term?
Did the incumbent non-renew? If so, why?
Does your agency control the account?
List of markets approached (including other brokers)
Target premium
Quote “Need-By” Date