Fidelity & Crime
Fidelity & Crime
Unfortunately, fraud is commonplace at even the best managed companies, and often involves “trusted” employees with typical schemes spanning many years, costing businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars – or more. In addition to employee theft, companies involved with the management and safe-keeping of high-valued assets are at risk from external crime, making risk management and proper insurance critical to protecting valuable assets such as cash, precious metals, fine arts and negotiable instruments.
Crime insurance has been at the core of our company since its founding in 2000. We have tailored coverages to meet the needs of thousands of small entities right up to Fortune 500 companies. We offer unsurpassed expertise and work with the leading Crime insurers in the United States and London.
Target Classes
Commercial Entities
Retail, Technology, Hospitality, Healthcare
Financial Institutions
Finance Companies, Mortgage Bankers / Brokers / Dealers, Banks, Insurance Companies / Agencies and Investment Companies
Governmental Entities
Municipalities, School Boards and Public Utilities
ATM, Armored Carriers / Cash In Transit, Check Cashing, Gaming, Precious Metals and High Value Assets
Employee Dishonesty
Forgery or Alteration
Inside the Premises
Outside the Premises
Computer Fraud
Money Orders and Counterfeit Currency
Client's / Third Party Property Coverage
Funds Transfer Fraud
Fiduciary Dishonesty
Contact Us
Need a Quote?
We accept all applications - or you can contact us and we will send you one of ours. Submit applications, brief narrative and minimum of 3 years carrier loss runs to info@asrisk.com
Narrative/Underwriting Information:
Who is the incumbent carrier including expiring term?
Did the incumbent non-renew? If so, why?
Does your agency control the account?
List of markets approached (including other brokers)
Target premium
Quote “Need-By” Date