Commercial Property
Commercial Property
Whether your client is an owner of a large portfolio of wind-exposed real estate, a high-rise apartment under construction or a warehouse in the middle of the country, they need comprehensive insurance in order to protect against losses to real and personal property. We provide the expertise and market access needed to secure competitive terms for small accounts right up to layered placements for your largest clients.

ASR can provide significant capacity for all risk, named storm and wind/hail property coverage for properties with total insured values in the range of $5 million to $250 million.
Our main focus is on Tier 1 coastal areas of the Atlantic and Gulf states of the USA.
Target Classes
Apartments and Condominiums
Colleges and Universities
Educational Institutions
Financial Institutions
Hotels / Motels
Museums and Cultural Institutions
Public Entities / Municipalities
Real Estate Schedules
Religious Institutions
School Districts
Vacant Property
All Risk excluding flood and earthquake
All Risk including flood and earthquake
Excess Flood
Layered Accounts
Mono Line Wind and Earthquake
Wind Deductible Buy Backs
Contact Us
Need a Quote?
We accept all applications - or you can contact us and we will send you one of ours. Submit applications, brief narrative and minimum of 3 years carrier loss runs to info@asrisk.com
Narrative/Underwriting Information:
Who is the incumbent carrier including expiring term?
Did the incumbent non-renew? If so, why?
Does your agency control the account?
List of markets approached (including other brokers)
Target premium
Quote “Need-By” Date